Last year (around this time) I did a post on creating secure website passwords.  Today, I came across an article from Lifehacker titled “How to Do Passwords Right in 2018” so I thought I’d share some of other ways you can keep you accounts secure on the world wide web.  Here are some of the tips from the Lifehacker article:

Use Your Browser Tools

Many modern browsers can recommend passwords for your website.  Nowadays your browsers also work as a pretty good password manager as well so you don’t have to worry about remembering them.

Use A Password Manager

Similarly to how browsers are now storing your passwords, you can also choose to get a password manager application.  These password managers can also store other sensitive information you want to keep secure.  I’ve used Dashlane in the past, but there are plenty others like 1Password and Keeper.  Check ’em out and find out which is best for you.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

A lot of people may all ready have turned this on without knowing it.  The simplest example of a two-factor authentication is when you get a code on your phone in order to login to, say, Google.  This can be very helpful with keeping your account secure because even if someone does get your password, they still can’t get into your account.

Get a Dongle (Dedicated Security Key)

Similar to how two-factor authentication requires you to have your phone (or another device) with you, a dedicated dongle requires you to have some kind of dongle with you.  Basically, if you don’t have your dongle with you, you won’t be able to log in.  The Lifehacker article says the keys can work via NFC, Bluetooth or even a USB port.  This may not be the smartest idea if you’re prone to lose things, but I’m sure there’s ways around that too.  Lifehacker suggests a key from Google as well as some alternatives.